Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lenten Discipline

I thought the MethodX description of the Ignatian examen was good. I'm linking it on the church website to give the people another option for Lenten practices. I remember learning about the examen from Andy Drietcer at Claremont. We used this book called "Sleeping with bread." That book's hard to forget and beautiful.

Friday, February 20, 2009

this video made me happy

I hear echos of Sgt. Peppers--do you?

I heard her on my Jem channel on Pandora. It's truly outrageous.

I was listening to a Brahms cd with Julianna yesterday and Prelude and Fugue in F minor. That reminded me of Jem, who I remember Nick Harcourt playing frequently on "Mornings become Eclectic" (why can't more NPR sataions be like KCRW?)

Anyway, I decided to see if "They" had a video that I could share with you, and there are two. One looks like it was made in the indie days, and one looks like it was not.

Space Striptease! (Not that I'm complaining--it's a good song!)

Checking in on KCRW clued me in on this: Gotta love Femi Kuti

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Katherine Hepburn's laugh

I enjoy little things about movies. For example, I really like the way Toby's character in American Splendor says "nyurd."

Last night, I was also enamored by Katherine Hepburn's little sarcastic laugh in Philadelphia Story. At the beginning of this clip

Long live youtube! And for the record, I consider myself a nyurd!